Tips for a simple and effective skin care routine for combination skin
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Tips for a simple and effective skin care routine for combination skin

Combination skin is a rather “difficult” type when the T-zone often secretes a lot of oil, while the cheeks are dry and tight. You need to build a suitable skin care routine for combination skin. Let’s find out the details with Evaworlds through the article below.

Causes of combination skin

Combination skin is a common skin type, common to many people. The special feature of this skin is the combination of two or more different skin types on the same face. The T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) is often oily, prone to blackheads and large pores, while the cheeks, the skin around the eyes, and neck area are drier.

There are many causes of combination skin, including:


This is the most important factor that affects your skin type. If your parents have combination skin, you are also at high risk of having this skin type.

Causes of combination skin
Causes of combination skin


Hormonal changes, especially during puberty, pregnancy and menopause, can affect the amount of oil produced in the skin, leading to combination skin.


Environmental factors such as air pollution, UV rays, dry or too humid weather can also affect the skin’s moisture balance, causing it to combine.

Inappropriate skin care regimen

Using skin care products that are not suitable for your skin type, or using products that are too strong. These products can irritate the skin, lose its natural protective layer, and lead to combination skin.

In addition, some other factors can also contribute to combination skin such as:

  • Stress
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Sleepless
  • Use tobacco

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Effective combination skincare routine

Below is an effective combination skincare routine that you can refer to:

Step 1: Cleanse skin (gentle facial cleanser)

  • Use gentle facial cleansers, suitable for combination skin. You should choose a facial cleanser with a neutral pH (from 5.5 to 6.5) so as not to affect the skin’s natural protective layer.
  • You should wash your face twice a day, morning and evening.
  • Avoid using hot water to wash your face because it can dry your skin.
  • You should use warm or cool water to wash your face.
  • After washing your face, use a soft towel to gently dry your skin.
Effective combination skincare routine
Effective combination skincare routine

Step 2: Balance skin with toner

  • Use toner after washing your face to balance the skin’s pH.
  • You should choose alcohol-free toners to avoid drying your skin.
  • Apply toner to the skin with a cotton pad or gently pat with your hands to allow the toner to absorb into the skin.

Toner for combination skin:

  • You should choose a toner that contains moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, and glycerin.
  • You can choose a toner that contains ingredients that help control oil such as witch hazel and tea tree oil.

Step 3: Moisturize the skin (serum and moisturizer)

Use serum and moisturizer suitable for your skin type. Then, you should choose a serum and moisturizer that has a light texture and is easily absorbed into the skin.

Serum for combination skin:

  • You should choose a serum that contains moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and vitamin C.
  • You can choose a serum that contains ingredients that control oil such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.

Moisturizer for combination skin:

  • You should choose a moisturizer that contains moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and shea butter.
  • You should use separate moisturizer for the T-zone and cheeks.

Step 4: Exfoliate (1-2 times/week)

  • Exfoliating helps remove the dead skin layer on the skin’s surface, making the skin clearer and brighter.
  • You should choose an exfoliator suitable for combination skin.
  • You can use gel, cream or scrub exfoliants.
  • Exfoliate 1-2 times per week.

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5 common mistakes when caring for combination skin

Combination skin is a common skin type that requires meticulous and scientific care to balance moisture and bring healthy and beautiful skin. However, many people make mistakes in caring for combination skin, making their skin worse. Here are 5 common mistakes when caring for combination skin that you need to keep in mind:

Using an inappropriate facial cleanser

Facial cleanser is the most important step in the skincare routine, but many people with combination skin choose the wrong type of facial cleanser. Using a cleanser that is too strong can cause dry and irritated skin while using a cleanser that is too gentle cannot clean the skin effectively.

5 common mistakes when caring for combination skin
5 common mistakes when caring for combination skin

Skip the toner step

Toner helps balance the skin’s pH after washing your face, while also helping to tighten pores and soothe the skin. However, many people with combination skin skip the toner step because they think this is an unnecessary step.

Use the same moisturizer for the entire face

Combination skin has two different skin areas: oily T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and dry cheeks. Therefore, you need to use two different moisturizers for these two skin areas.

Exfoliating too often

Exfoliating helps remove the dead skin layer on the skin’s surface, making the skin clearer and brighter. However, exfoliating too often (more than twice a week) can damage the skin.

Not using sunscreen

Sunscreen is the most important step in the skincare routine, especially for combination skin. Sunscreen helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, preventing skin aging and skin cancer.


With a consistent and consistent skincare routine for combination skin, you can take control of your combination skin. Remember, learning and listening to your skin is the most important thing. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different products to find what works best for you. Good luck on your skincare journey. Follow Evaworlds now.

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