Military diet: Detailed 7-day menu and the most important notes
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Military diet: Detailed 7-day menu and the most important notes

Military Diet is a quick weight loss method that is said to help you lose 4.5 kg in a week and 14 kg in a month. This regimen includes 3 days of a strict, low-calorie diet and 4 days of normal eating. Join Evaworlds to learn more about the Military Diet through the article below to learn how to apply it in detail.

The origin of the Military Diet

A Military Diet has an officially recorded origin, however some theories suggest that this diet originated with the US military. With this regimen, soldiers lose weight quickly during training.

7-day Military Diet schedule

Day 1 – 3 (Strict diet)

  • Breakfast: 1 banana, 1 boiled egg and 1 tablespoon peanut butter.
  • Lunch: 1 can of tuna (170g), 1 slice of wholemeal bread and 1 apple.
  • Dinner: 85g lean meat (chicken breast, salmon…), 1 cup steamed broccoli and ½ cup boiled carrots.
  • Snack (optional): 1 celery stick with peanut butter, 1 orange, or 1 cup of low-fat yogurt.
7-day Military Diet schedule
7-day Military Diet schedule

Day 4 – 5 (Eat normally)

Eat 3 main meals and 2 snacks according to your preference. However, you need to limit processed foods, sweets, and carbonated drinks.

Day 6 – 7 (Vegetarian)

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of lentil soup, 1 banana, and 1 cup of green tea.
  • Lunch: 1 cup of vegetable salad with 150g of grilled tofu, 1 apple, and 1 glass of water.
  • Dinner: 1 cup brown rice, 150g grilled salmon, and 1 cup steamed broccoli.
  • Snack (optional): 1 granola bar with low-fat yogurt, 1 orange, or 1 glass of soy milk.

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Advantages of the Military Diet

Here are some advantages of the Military Diet that you need to know:

  • Lose weight quickly in a short time: The Military Diet is known for its ability to help people lose weight quickly in just a few days.
  • Simple and easy to follow: This diet does not require too much complexity in preparation and implementation, making it easy for users to comply.
  • No complicated calorie calculation required: The person implementing the regimen must calculate each dish’s detailed calories. When calculating correctly, you will reduce stress and pressure.
  • May help improve certain health factors: Although temporary, this regimen may improve certain health indicators such as blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Disadvantages of the Military Diet

However, the Military Diet still has some disadvantages

  • Nutritional deficiencies due to low calories: The Military Diet is often very low in calories. If you do not supplement carefully, it can easily lead to nutritional deficiencies necessary for the body.
  • Causes fatigue, lack of energy, and difficulty concentrating: Due to reduced calorie content, the practitioner may feel tired, lack energy, and have difficulty concentrating on daily activities.
  • Can lead to muscle loss along with excess fat: Because this diet does not promote exercise and provide enough protein for the body. As a result, you may lose muscle instead of just losing fat.
Disadvantages of Military Diet
Disadvantages of Military Diet
  • Not suitable for people with underlying medical conditions or pregnant/nursing women: The Military Diet is not recommended for people with underlying medical conditions or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. The reason is because the calorie and nutritional content do not meet the body’s needs during this period.
  • Weight loss may not be sustainable: Due to its strict nature and nutritional deficiencies, weight loss from the Military Diet may not be sustainable after the practitioner returns to a normal diet.

See more:

Important notes when applying the Military Diet

Military Diet for quick weight loss. However, you need to note the following points to ensure health and long-term effectiveness:

Consult your doctor before starting

This is the most important step, especially for people with underlying diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, eating disorders, etc. If you go to a doctor or nutritionist to receive advice. to have your health status assessed and given appropriate advice on applying this diet.

Drink enough water and take vitamin/mineral supplements

Low calories in the Military Diet. This can lead to dehydration and vitamin/mineral deficiencies. Therefore, don’t forget to drink enough water (2-3 liters per day) and supplement vitamins/minerals if necessary to ensure your health.

Important notes when applying the Military Diet
Important notes when applying the Military Diet

Combine with exercise and sports

Exercising helps improve health, burn calories, and support weight loss more effectively. Every day, you should spend at least 30 minutes doing physical activities that are suitable for you.

Listen to your body and adjust your diet accordingly

Each person has different nutritional and health needs. Therefore, you need to listen to your body and adjust your diet to suit yourself. If you feel tired, lack energy or have any side effects, you should stop following this diet and consult your doctor.

Do not apply the Military Diet for a long time

The Military Diet should only be applied for a short time (maximum 1 month) to lose weight quickly. After that, you need to switch to a healthy and balanced diet to ensure


The Military Diet is a short-term, low-calorie diet that can help you shed weight quickly. However, it’s important to understand that it’s not a sustainable long-term solution and should be used with caution. Follow Evaworlds to update the latest knowledge.

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