How to combination skin care correctly and most effectively
6 mins read

How to combination skin care correctly and most effectively

Combination skin is a common skin type with a combination of many different characteristics, usually oily skin in the T-zone and dry or normal skin in other areas. In this article, let’s learn about combination skin care with Evaworlds through the article below.

Characteristics of combination skin

Combination skin is the most common skin type, accounting for about 40% of the population. Combination skin is characterized by:

  • There are both dry skin areas and oily skin areas: The T-shaped skin area (forehead, nose, chin) often secretes a lot of oil. Meanwhile, the skin on the cheeks, skin around the eyes and neck is often dry.
Characteristics of combination skin
  • Large pores: Large pores are often concentrated in the T-zone because the skin secretes a lot of oil.
  • Prone to acne: Combination skin is prone to acne due to an imbalance between the amount of oil and water on the skin.
  • Prone to acne: Combination skin is prone to acne due to an imbalance between the amount of oil and water on the skin….

Here are some signs to help you recognize that your skin is combination skin:

  • Oily T-zone: T-zone skin is often oily in the morning and after physical activity.
  • Dry skin on both cheeks: The skin on both cheeks is often dry and flaky, especially in winter.
  • Prone to acne: Combination skin is prone to acne in the T-zone and cheeks.
  • Easily irritated: Combination skin is easily irritated by skin care products and cosmetics.

To determine if you have combination skin, you can try some of the following:

  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and dry with a soft towel.
  • Wait 30 minutes and observe your face.
  • If your T-zone is oily and your cheeks are dry, you have combination skin.

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Harmful effects of improper skin care

Improper care of combination skin can lead to the following harmful effects:

  • Dry and flaky skin: If you use skin care products made for oily skin on your entire face. At that time, the skin on both cheeks will become dry and peeling.
  • Skin produces more oil: If you use skin care products for dry skin on your entire face. At that time, the skin in the T-zone will secrete more oil.
  • Acne: Using inappropriate skin care products also causes clogged pores and leads to acne.
  • Sensitive skin: Using skin care products containing many chemicals can make the skin more sensitive to irritation.

5 steps basic for combination skin care

Cleanse the skin

You should prioritize using a gentle, soap-free cleanser to remove dirt, sebum and makeup on the skin. In particular, you need to pay attention to a cleanser with a balanced pH (from 5.5 to 6.5) so as not to affect the natural pH of the skin.

You should wash your face twice a day, in the morning and at night before bed. After washing your face, you should pat your skin gently with a soft towel instead of rubbing vigorously.

5 steps basic for combination skin care
5 steps basic for combination skin care


For dry skin, you should use an alcohol-free toner to balance the skin’s pH. At that time, the essences in the product will be able to help tighten pores in the T-zone and soften the skin on both cheeks. Note, you should apply toner after washing your face and before using other skin care products.


Regarding moisturizer, use a gel or lotion moisturizer, specifically for the T-zone and cheeks. In particular, the skin area should use a gel moisturizer that can control oil and lightly moisturize. The skin on both cheeks should use a lotion-type moisturizer that can deeply moisturize and soften the skin.


For masks, you should apply them 1-2 times a week. The essences in the product help provide moisture to the skin, purify the skin and remove dirt. Note, choose a mask that suits your skin’s needs, such as a moisturizing mask, clay mask, green tea mask, etc. The appropriate time to use is after washing your face and before washing your face. when using moisturizer.


Exfoliation is an extremely important step. You should use gentle exfoliating products 1-2 times a week to remove the dead skin layer on the skin, making the skin smooth and bright and easily absorb nutrients.

Prioritize choosing gel or cream exfoliating products, avoid using granular exfoliating products because they can damage the skin.

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Some notes when caring for combination skin

Moisturize regularly: Combination skin needs adequate moisture to balance the amount of oil and water on the skin. You should apply moisturizer twice a day, in the morning and at night before bed.

Some notes when caring for combination skin
Some notes when caring for combination skin

Choose gentle, alcohol-free products: Combination skin is often sensitive, so it is necessary to use gentle skin care products that do not contain alcohol and artificial fragrances.

Daily sun protection: UV rays can age skin quickly and cause dark spots. You should use sunscreen with an SPF index of 30 or higher that is water resistant every day, even when it is cloudy.

Additionally, you should also:

  • Drink enough water every day to provide moisture to the skin from the inside.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamins and minerals for the skin.
  • Get enough sleep to give your skin time to recover.
  • Limit stress because stress can cause the skin to produce more oil and cause acne.
  • Avoid staying up late and using electronic devices before bed because blue light from electronic devices can cause skin aging.

Thank you for reading my article on how to care for combination skin. Hope the above information will be useful to you.

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