10 Things That Might Surprise You About Being Pregnant
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10 Things That Might Surprise You About Being Pregnant

Pregnancy is a show full of wonder and fun, but it can also contain many surprises that you may not have missed before. Here are 10 common surprises during pregnancy so you can better prepare mentally for this special period.

Strange cravings

One of the most pleasantly unexpected experiences during pregnancy is strange food cravings. You may be surprised to suddenly crave strange foods that you never thought of before, or conversely, you may feel disgusted with your favorite foods.

Strange cravings
Strange cravings

This phenomenon often occurs due to changes in hormones and hormones in the body during pregnancy. Increased estrogen and progesterone hormones can change the way you feel about food and increase your appetite, while also causing your taste buds and flavors to change.

This explains why you may crave things you previously had no interest in, or vice versa. It’s important to listen to your body and give it what it needs during this period, while also being considerate about maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.


Fatigue is one of the common symptoms that many pregnant women experience, especially during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. This is the result of hormonal changes and fetal development, along with mechanical changes in a woman’s body. Feeling tired can affect your ability to function daily and your quality of life.

Therefore, you must make sure you get enough sleep and rest properly so your body has time to recover. Including sleeping more during the day or adjusting your sleep time at night. Listen to your body and allow it adequate rest time to help you get through this tiring period most comfortably.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are also known as morning sickness. This condition usually appears in the morning, but can also occur at any time of the day. This is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy and usually disappears after the first trimester. Although not dangerous to the health of the mother or fetus, nausea and vomiting can make you feel uncomfortable and tired.

Nausea and vomiting

To alleviate this condition, you can try some measures such as snacking regularly, such as eating a piece of biscuit or a handful of ornamental chestnuts, instead of eating a full meal. You need to avoid being hungry at any time to reduce nausea.

Additionally, you can also drink ginger tea to soothe your stomach and reduce nausea. However, before using any medication or treatment, you should discuss and get advice from your doctor or medical professional.

Weight gain

During pregnancy, weight gain is inevitable and is often considered a normal part of the pregnancy process. However, managing weight gain appropriately is important to ensure the health of both mother and fetus.

Here are some tips for controlling weight gain during pregnancy:

  • Balanced nutrition: Focus on eating nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains and protein from chicken, fish, beans, and yogurt.
  • Control calories: Try not to eat more calories than your body needs, and avoid eating too many sugary and fatty foods.
  • Exercise regularly: Doing gentle exercises like walking, yoga or swimming helps maintain flexibility and control weight.
  • Keep your water intake balanced: Drink enough water every day to keep your body hydrated and reduce the risk of sudden swelling.
  • Monitor weight gain: Monitor your weight gain as directed by your doctor to make sure it is occurring at a normal rate.

Mood changes

Hormonal changes can make you more irritable, anxious, or sad. Share your feelings with relatives and friends to receive emotional support.


During pregnancy, back pain is one of the common symptoms that many pregnant women face. Back pain occurs due to changes in body weight and pressure on the spine. Pregnancy can cause your weight to increase suddenly, especially towards the end, putting your body under greater pressure.

To relieve back pain, you can take some measures such as doing gentle exercises like yoga or swimming, gently massaging the back pain area, or using a support belt to keep your spine in a neutral position. That’s more correct. If your back pain becomes severe or persistent, consult your doctor for proper advice and treatment.


Constipation is a common problem that many pregnant women experience. This often happens due to hormonal changes in the body, along with changes in diet and lifestyle.

To relieve constipation, you can take some measures such as:

Drink enough water: Make sure you drink enough water every day, at least about 8 glasses of water, to keep your body hydrated.

Increase fiber in your diet: Eat lots of fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains to help increase food metabolism and minimize constipation.

Exercise regularly: Doing gentle exercises such as walking, yoga or swimming can stimulate bowel activity and help improve constipation.

If your constipation does not improve after taking the above measures or becomes severe, consult your doctor for timely advice and treatment.

Frequent urination

During pregnancy, with the growing growth of the fetus, the pressure on the bladder also increases. This may increase the need to urinate more frequently than usual. Frequent urination is not only a normal reaction of the body, but also helps remove waste and excess water from the body, helps maintain water balance and regulates internal pressure.

Vaginal bleeding

During pregnancy, vaginal bleeding can occur and is not always a dangerous sign. However, it’s also important to note that some vaginal bleeding can be a sign of a serious health problem. If you experience vaginal bleeding, especially if it is accompanied by pain or has a strange color or odor, contact your doctor immediately for timely advice and treatment.

Vaginal bleeding
Vaginal bleeding

Prepare for birth

Preparing for birth is an important part of pregnancy. This includes learning breathing techniques and Kegel exercises to strengthen your abdominal and scalene muscles so you can maintain the strength and flexibility needed for birth.

In addition, preparing supplies for mother and baby is also very important to ensure you will have the smoothest and safest birth process possible.

Pregnancy is a challenging but also extremely rewarding journey. Prepare yourself well and enjoy every moment of this special period.

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